Ashley Inguanta is a Florida-based writer and photographer whose work has appeared in Redivider, PANK, make/shift, Adrienne: A Poetry Journal of Queer Women, Sweet: A Literary Confection, and many other magazines and literary journals. Her work has been anthologized in Francesca Lia Block’s Love Magick, Nicole Monaghan’s Stripped, and Central Florida’s very own 15 Views of Orlando. Ashley is also the Art Director of SmokeLong Quarterly. Ashley’s story “The Heart of America” earned an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train for their Very Short Fiction Award. Last year, The Ampersand Review nominated her poem “San Andreas Fault” for the Pushcart Prize. Ashley is also the author of three collections of poetry: The Way Home (Dancing Girl Press), For the Woman Alone (Ampersand Books), and Bomb (forthcoming with Ampersand Books). She has had the honor of reading in many Orlando shows, as well as shows in Los Angeles and New York. Ashley has been featured in numerous publications, including Everyday Fiction, Orlando Weekly, American Microreviews & Interviews, and The Great American Brainstorm. In 2013, she was named as “one of the six Central Florida poets you should know” by Orlando Arts Magazine. Keep up to date with her travels, readings, and publications here: www.ashleyinguanta.com.
To register please email: racquel@racquelhenry.com
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Ashley Inguanta
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