Join us for a reading and lively discussion with Betty Viamontes! This is a free event. Our community partner, Bookmark It, will handle book sales for those interested!
Betty Viamontes is the author of the novel WAITING ON ZAPOTE STREET: LOVE AND LOSS IN CASTRO’S CUBA, based on the story of her family. Her novel was selected by the Gulf Coast Chapter of a United Nations book club for its February 2016 reading and has been presented at a local university due to its historical relevance. One of its chapters will appear in a USF literary journal in the fall. Some of her short stories and poems have been published in literary magazines, anthologies, and newspapers. She holds graduate degrees in business administration and accounting from the University of South Florida, from where she also received a Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing. She recently published CANDELA’S SECRETS AND OTHER HAVANA STORIES and is working on her third book with the working title, LIVING ON LASALLE STREET. Her passion for education led Betty to be appointed by the Florida Governor to the Hillsborough Community College Board of Trustees.