For my The Write Place blog post, I made sure my office (I still can’t believe I’m lucky enough to say that!) was nice and organized. All the office supplies had a home to call their own, and I’ve surprised myself by keeping them in their homes for a full week!
Let me tell you that every teacher I’ve ever had would faint at that news.
It’s true that I’m not known for my tidiness, but keeping my desk neat has helped me stay focused on what’s in front of me. Better still, it also inspired me to clean out the backpack that acts as my portable office! Trust me when I say that thing gets heavy if I don’t regularly take out the extra folders and notebooks I stuff in during moments of inspiration.
Whether you have your own writing space at home or right wherever the wind takes you, consider the this blog post your sign to get things organized. It’s a pre-spring cleaning, if you will.
If you have a writing space at home…
- Make sure your favorite pens are within easy reach
Gather any stray papers that would be happier in a folder to call home - If you have any notes from old stories around, scan them with your phone or at the local library if you think they could be useful later, then recycle them
- Clean up any coffee mugs and brush away crumbs (I can’t be the only one who needs this reminder!)
- Wipe down your screens
- Put a sticky note somewhere to remind you of the next thing you’re going to work on when you sit down
If you take your writing space with you in a bag…
- Take out any unnecessary weight—notes from the stories you’re not working on, writing instruments you’ve fallen out of love with, gum wrappers, and anything else that might’ve found its way in there
- Pack your bag with any non-perishable snacks you want to take with you—or gift cards to cafés you’ve gotten during any holidays
- Wipe down your screens
- Pack your charger and headphones, or put a sticky note on your bag reminding you to grab them
- If you’re low on any essentials you take with you—hand sanitizer, for example—add another sticky note reminding you to grab more on your way to wherever you’re going
- Finally, place your bag in a location that’s easy to grab when you’re walking out the door
Need a new bag to act as your portable office?
Did you know Writer’s Atelier has writing-themed tote bags? They’re great conversation starters, doorways to networking opportunities, and help support us, your favorite boutique online writing studio. They’re available in our online shop!