The Writer’s Atelier Team Shares NaNoWriMo Projects

It has been one busy November! The WA team has been keeping their heads down and plugging away on their National Novel Writing Month projects! We thought it would be fun to share what projects we’ve been working on this year!

Racquel Henry: I’m working on five Holiday romance mini books! My goal is to have them be about 10,000 words each. Find Racquel on Instagram: @racquelhenry.

Angelique Bochnak at Writer's Atelier

A.M. Bochnak: This year I am writing something new. I’m diving into the world of romance and writing a Gaslamp fantasy romance. If you don’t know what Gaslamp fantasy is, think Jane Austin meets Alice Hoffman. Find Angelique on Instagram: @ambochnak.

Writer's Atelier Megan Fuentes

Megan Fuentes: I am working on several projects! I’m going full #NaNoRebel this year. I will write one princess-related short story for a secret project I’m a part of (5k), two historical romance novelettes (15k each), and I’ll be outlining even more projects to reach 50,000 total words. I’m so excited to get started! Find Megan on Instagram at: @fuentespens.

Writer's Atelier Arielle Haughee

Arielle Haughee: For Nano this year, I am writing a picture book a day. I get sidetracked in dealing with publishing, author services, marketing, and publicity. So I’ve had a growing list of picture book ideas I haven’t made time to write yet. Nano will be perfect for me to tackle a whole bunch of ideas and have thirty different stories drafted by the end. No, I won’t reach the 50,000 word count goal, but I will achieve a different goal that is important to me. Find Arielle on Instagram at: @ahoy_mommy.

Paige Lavoie: I’m working on a Beauty and the Beast retelling! Find Paige on Instagram at @mrspaigelavoie.

L.E. Perez: Book one in my Reaper Academy series—Reaper Revealed. Find Laura on Instagram at: @leperezauthor.

Valerie Willis Instructor at Writer's Atelier

Valerie Willis: I am working on a fairy tale romance for a Boxset coming out Spring of 2020. It’s inspired by a Grimm Fairy Tale so we’ll see how it fairs! Find Valerie on Instagram at: @willisauthor.

Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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