The Write Place #8: Melissa Gorzelanczyk

Arrows by Melissa Gorzelanczyk_Author photo_High_Res2_Credit Photo by Mark Anderson (2)The white door snaps in place and gives a firming shudder. If I’m standing close, I can still feel the air shifting on my cheeks. I reach for my yoga mat and ease into lotus pose with a mug of hot coffee.

After a sip, I breathe.


Finding myself among the thoughts that have already taken hold that morning, the mundane things of life like laundry and bills and what’s for dinner. I find me again–creative and dreamy and waking up. The me I’m always wanting, the me that wants to write, though it’s only in those moments of allowing the rest of me to fall away that I can find her again (I hope).

My office is teal-blue and pretty. More than that, it is functional. There’s a plot planner to the left, bulletin boards to the right. My standing desk was made by placing two shelves back to back, another place of function. My manuscripts are stacked on one side, promotional items on the other. The two sides of an author is what I think. Her hustle and her words.


My sitting desk has a yoga ball chair and is placed next to a window that I wish had a better view. For the best views, I walk along a trail in the woods and then return.

My desks, my laptop, my notebook and Pilot Precise V5 RT pens, are all I need for writing.

Standing desk I made using two shelves from Target placed back to back.A place I call the Plot Cafe.Clipboard wall for inspiration and character photos.Theme of Arrows

Those things and a clear head.

Maybe music.

Maybe a walk.

Maybe the quiet spot in the very back of my local library, to get away from the teal-blue and routine.

Maybe a coffee shop when I want something caramel.

Maybe the restaurant where the waiter knows not to bother me when my laptop is open and my headphones are in.

Maybe the kitchen on my rough-hewn wood table, until my son or husband comes home and my creative side is at great risk of being questioned far away.

Maybe the sea, because vacations are where the mind wanders.

Maybe, as long as I am writing.

Arrows FINAL2.inddMelissa Gorzelanczyk is a magazine editor and columnist who believes love is everything. She is a proud member of the SCBWI, The Sweet Sixteens and the Class of 2k16. Her young adult novel ARROWS is available now from Delacorte Press. She is represented by agent Carrie Howland of Donadio & Olson. She lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin, with her husband and family. Find her on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook.

Attention Orlando writers and readers: Melissa Gorzelanczyk is coming to Florida!

When: Saturday, June 25, 3 – 5 p.m.

Where: Winter Park Library, 460 E. New England Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789

Meet author Melissa Gorzelanczyk and members of the Class of 2K16 as they discuss their books and writing process. Book signing to follow. Free!

Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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