My favorite time to write is first thing in the morning, preferably if it is still dark out, though sometimes I hit snooze too many times and have to wait until after work. I sit at my desk, set my timer for how long I think I have, usually twenty minutes, and get to work.
Like I said, that is my ideal situation. At some point, one of my two dogs usually pops in and demands attention. My high school computer teachers would probably take credit for my fast typing abilities, but it does require that I have both hands on the keyboards. My creatures don’t seem to understand this. After a quick petting break (I mean, how can you say no to these faces?) I get to writing.
I am not an edit-as-I-go writer, so that does make it a bit helpful to write just about anywhere. I usually have my trusty notebook with character lists and plot points (yes, I’m one of those). When I’m in the zone, I hit snooze on the timer a few times and write for longer than I really have time for. When I’m not, I stare at the clock just as much as I type words, but thankfully the former happens more than the latter.
If it’s nighttime, I am usually writing on the couch, either by hand or on my laptop. I’m probably, OK definitely, not giving it my full level of attention, but I am able to get something accomplished while still hanging out with my husband after work and catching up on a show.
I do enjoy write-in’s every now and then and have done the Starbucks thing a time or two, but I like being able to look out my window, throw the ball for the dogs for a quick break, and not get distracted by noise. Plus, I’d have to have some semblance of fashion if I was going to go outdoors to write. And by fashion, I mean pants. I hear Starbucks is a stickler about that kind of stuff.
Kristin Durfee is the author of the Four Corners Trilogy. Book One, Four Corners is available now through Black Opal Books and all major retailers. (There is currently a Kindle/Kobo special on Four Corners for 99 cents until June 12th!) The sequel, Two Worlds, comes out in late August. When not working on a million projects at once, she enjoys the Florida theme parks and hanging out with her husband and their two dogs.
Your couch looks incredibly comfy and clutter free… mine is filled with little boys, hubby, and the dog LOL