My writing routine starts the moment I snuggle up in my Parisian chair. I crack open a window, light a sandalwood or Nag Champa incense. I have to have a fresh breeze to lighten the air more. I meditate while sipping tea/coffee and begin with giving thanks to God and my ancestors.
My space is as empty as I would like it (LOL) because it leaves more space. I can’t write with a room full of things that are not a part of my essence. I plan to get more plants to hang around because I love plants and I’m more in tune with nature with having them in my room. It’s all about comfort and creating my safe space.
I’ve added more affirmations on the wall. More art like canvas as always a way of inspiration and taken away the thought of just having an aesthetically pleasing room for just looks.

Jennifer Harris is a teacher and advocate for mental health awareness and self love. Her previous works include Unraveling (2021) and What About Me?!! (2019). Unraveling brings awareness of healing by recognition of trauma, seeking help, and being able to work through those issues of grief through affirmations. Her children’s book, What About Me?!! is to help both adults and children learn to adjust to a new member of the family as their worlds are turned upside down. She is currently working on a series entitled Oh, Joy, a love letter to growth and self love for children. Oh, Joy is available on Kindle Vella with episodes revealed weekly. Jenuine Talks podcast is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.