Now that the holidays are over and 2016 is underway, it’s the right time to start thinking about your writing goals and how you plan to achieve them. Join us for an empowering brunch with 5 bestselling authors. In this workshop you will learn how to:
• Set writing goals
• Stay motivated
• Balance writing with work and personal demands
• Bounce back from rejection
• Get back on track after you’ve strayed from goals
Writers will also set goals of their own and come up with a plan of action.
“Setting Your Writing Goals and Staying Motivated” w/Ella Martin
“Balancing Your Writing Schedule with Personal Demands/Work” w/Amy Christine Parker, Christina Farley and Vivi Barnes.
“Life After Rejection: How You Can Get Back on Track Both After Rejection and Straying from Your Goal” w/Kristin Durfee.
The cost of this workshop is $35 and includes 3 talks and a continental brunch. Advance registration required. Please email racquel@racquelhenry.com.
When: January 31, 2015 from 12-3 PM
Where: Writer’s Atelier
About the guest speakers:
AMY CHRISTINE PARKER earned her degree in elementary education at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, and then proceeded to try out many different jobs, including collectible doll maker, fondue waitress, and inner-city schoolteacher. It wasn’t until she became a mom and began making up bedtime stories for her children that she finally realized what she was meant to do. Now Amy writes full-time from her home near Tampa, Florida, where she lives with her husband, their two daughters, and one ridiculously fat cat. She is the author of the novels, GATED and ASTRAY. Visit her at amychristineparker.blogspot.com.
Besides writing, CHRISTINA FARLEY loves cooking, running, playing light sabers with her boys, and eating dark chocolate. She’s slightly obsessed with books, especially anything that has danger and adventure mixed together. Her next challenge to conquer on her bucket list is to visit all the continents. She is the author of GILDED, SILVERN and BRAZEN, a series.
VIVI BARNES was raised on a farm in East Texas where her theater-loving mom and cowboy dad gave her a unique perspective on life. Now living in the magic and sunshine of Orlando, Florida, she divides her time writing, working, goofing off with her husband and three kids, and avoiding dirty dishes. She is the author of the novels OLIVIA TWISTED and PAPER OR PLASTIC.
ELLA MARTIN is a young adult author and self-described “prep school survivor” from Southern California. With a keen sense for combining relatable teen characters with engrossing stories, her books blend aspects of romance, angst, and intrigue. Her Westgate Prep series tackles female friendships, quirky characters, and sensitive topics with equal tact.
KRISTIN DURFEE grew up outside of Philadelphia, where an initial struggle with reading blossomed into a love and passion for the written word. She has also been a writer since a very young age, writing short stories and poems, though now is focusing on longer works. She is currently editing the sequel to her novel, FOUR CORNERS. Durfee currently resides outside of Orlando, FL, and when not enjoying the theme parks or Florida sun, she spends most of her time with her husband and their quirky dog. She is a member of the Florida Writers Association.