Submissions Ready with Lori Goldstein (Online Class)


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Got a finished novel? Great! Ready to sign that killer book deal? Fantastic! But hold onto your pen, because first, you need an agent. Agents are the gatekeepers to traditional publishers, and today, agents receive literally hundreds of inquiries a week. To stand out among this fierce competition, three things are vital: an enticing query, a concise synopsis, and a whopper of a first page. In this course, writers will learn the structure and key elements of each of these three pieces of the query submission package. Examples of successful queries, synopses, and first pages will be dissected. Plus, each week, writers will have their work reviewed by the instructor. But the real value in receiving a critique is in understanding if you’ve nailed that revision or not. With that in mind, writers will be invited to submit their revised pieces to the instructor for an additional pass. Each component—the query, synopsis, and first page—will be critiqued by the instructor twice. The end result: a perfect query submission package. You will become . . . Submission Ready!

Week 1: The Query: How to Tame Your Manuscript into a 250-Word Pitch

In this first lesson, the instructor will dive into the all-important query letter. Writers will learn the basic structure and what each component must convey. The instructor will then focus on the “pitch” section, explaining how to construct a concise pitch that packs a punch. Examples of successful queries will be shown and dissected. The “do’s and don’ts” will provide concrete tips for crafting your query.

After viewing this lesson, writers will have one week to revise their query using these tips and submit it to the instructor for feedback.

Week 2: The Synopsis: How to Wrangle Your Manuscript into One Page

In lesson two, the instructor will help you expand that pitch you’ve honed into a one-page synopsis. Writers will learn techniques for boiling their full manuscript down to the essentials in order to show agents what their novel is truly about. What stays and what goes will be demonstrated. Strategies and specific instructions will allow writers to employ these techniques in their synopsis.

After viewing this lesson, writers will have one week to revise their synopsis using these tips and submit it to the instructor for feedback.

Week 3: The First Page: How to Bring Your Query and Synopsis to Life

In the final lesson, the instructor will discuss what makes a great first page, the final element of the submissions package. The first page must be a powerhouse. It has much heavy lifting to do in terms of setting the tone, style, character, world, and more. It must achieve certain things and do so with writing that leaps from the page and grabs the reader. After reviewing a list of what a first page must do, the instructor will provide examples of successful first pages.

After viewing this lesson, writers will have one week to revise their first page using these tips and submit it to the instructor for feedback.

Week 4: Questions!

In the final week of this course, writers will have the chance to have a personal, one-on-one, 15-minute call with the instructor during which they can ask specifics about their submission package, questions about querying, or tips for navigating the publishing world. Writers have the option of emailing questions in lieu of the call.

When: This class will run from October 3, 2016 – October 30, 2016

Where: Online

Investment: $250 (full class) OR $150 (critique only)

*Flash Sale until October 2, 2016: Register and receive 25% off. 

*Questions? Email

Space is limited!

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About Lori Goldstein:

LoriGoldstein1024-200x300Lori Goldstein was born into an Italian-Irish family and raised in a small town on the New Jersey shore. A former journalist, she currently lives and writes outside of Boston. BECOMING JINN is her first novel. You can visit her online at and follow her on Twitter at @loriagoldstein.



Books by Lori Goldstein:


Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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