Self-Publishing Like a Boss with LE Perez and Valerie Willis

You’ve got a finished novel and you’ve decided you want to self-publish… but what do you need to know? What happens next? The responsibility of making your manuscript into a book and reaching readers is now all on YOUR shoulders. There are many aspects that need to be known and mastered if you want to make this a successful launch. From building your audience on social media to formatting and book cover design, to creating a business plan for your book, it’s a process that can overwhelm a first time self-publisher. In this one-day workshop, discover your options, ways to overcome tribulations, and discover all that is needed to become successful. Gain the skills you need from experienced authors and be confident enough to “Self-Publish Like a Boss.”

What you’ll learn:

  • The difference between traditional and self-publishing
  • The importance of creating a social media presence
  • The differences/pros/cons between digital and print
  • The importance of producing quality work
  • Editing
  • Formatting
  • Cover Art
  • Available Self-publishing venues
  • Available resources

*A sandwich lunch and snacks will be provided.

When: July 23, 2017 from 10 AM – 4 PM

Where: At Writer’s Atelier (336 Grove Ave. Suite B, Winter Park, FL 32789)

Cost: $75

*$20 discount with social media mention (workshop drops to $55)* Email your link to

Questions? Email

Eventbrite - Self-Publishing Like a Boss with LE Perez and Valerie Willis

About the Instructors:

Valerie Willis is a sixth-generation Floridian who launched her first book, Cedric the Demonic Knight, at the start of 2014 on Since then, she has been a go-to source for Self-publishing, Typesetting for print and digital formats, writing mentor, as well as continuing to release her own novels. She is well known for The Cedric Series, a high rated Fantasy Romance Series, where she pulls in a melting pot of mythology, folklores, history and more. Her storytelling is filled with a remarkable amount of foreshadowing and is well known for its character growth and engaging dialogue. Currently, she is a Typesetter for Independent Publishers Grimbold Books and Kristell Ink out of the UK for many of their authors such as Joel Cornah, Kate Coe, and more.

Laura E. Perez has been writing stories and poetry for most of her life. After a career change in 2010, she started writing fanfiction and became determined to complete her unfinished novels. Since moving to Orlando 5 years ago, she has self-published three novels and spearheaded two separate anthologies, with a third due out later this year. She is a regular presenter/instructor with OCLS and has participated in workshops and panels for the FWA conference and Indie Bookfest. She launched her own publishing company, Palmas Publishing, in 2016.

Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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