We call NaNoWriMo a challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days for a reason—it’s no small feat! And if you don’t already have a writing habit in place, it might be difficult for you to muster up the creative energy to get 1,667 words on the page every single day (or more if you miss a day and have to play catch up!).
One way writers coach themselves through writing so many words a day is by doing word crawls.
What Are Word Crawls?
We’re so glad you asked! I couldn’t put it any better than the Wikiwrimo page already has:
A word crawl is a type of word sprint that collects a number of word wars, prompts, and sprints into one challenge. Generally themed, participants are encouraged to complete each portion of the challenge in order. Many of these challenges take the form of a choose your own adventure-style story, giving participants mini-rewards in the form of the progression of the story or punishments for failures.
Because they often have a narrative you follow along, word crawls can turn a writing session you slog through into a much more entertaining experience.
We Made Our Own Word Crawls
In a burst of inspiration, we decided to create a separate site with four interactive word crawls, and we’d love to introduce them to you. All of these word crawls have been written such that completion of the word crawl will add at least 1,667 words to your WIP’s word count.
“A Visit to the Antique Shop”
This cozy word crawl begins with breakfast and has you make a discovery at a charming little antique shop. This word crawl is perfect for you if you love shopping, a day out on the town, and the magic of the season.
“A Stroll Through the Woods”
You’ll like this word crawl if you’re a nature- and animal-lover at heart! It’s almost too cute for words.
“A Friendly Baking Competition”
Do you have a sweet tooth? This is the word crawl for you! As a special bonus, all of the baked goods mentioned have links to their recipes, so you can make yourself a treat after a writing session well done!
The Playing Card Word Crawl
Not interested in following along with a story during your word crawl? Just want to focus on getting the words in? Go for this one! There are 30 mini challenges. Pick and choose a few at random to customize your experience. Or complete one mini challenge a day to add a little novelty and randomness to every NaNo writing session!
And About the Site…
Surprise! We made it with Google Sites. You can learn how to DIY your own author website (or any of these other kinds of sites for writers) in our Google Sites course. Or, if you prefer, you can have your website built for you!