Join us for round 2 on Monday, February 23rd, from 6:45-9 p.m., Racquel Henry and Jamie Morris will co-present a free Q+A session for Writer’s Atelier in Winter Park, Florida.
Join us, if you’re struggling with craft or marketing issues. Topics will include,
- organizing fiction and nonfiction
- the drafting and critique process
- marketing to your best audience
- how to create a truly excellent self-published book
- finding an agent or traditional publishing deal
This presentation will be based on your questions about your own writing projects. Bring your questions about writing, publishing, and marketing, and let Racquel and Jamie share from their years of experience in the literary field!
There is no charge for this presentation. Please contact Racquel@RacquelHenry.com to register.
Racquel Henry, is a writer and editor with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is the co-founder and editor of Black Fox Literary Magazine, an English professor, and the founder of Writer’s Atelier. Her work has appeared in Lotus-eater Literary Magazine and Zest Literary Journal, among others.
Book coach Jamie Morris directed Central Florida’s Woodstream Writers for eleven years, working with hundreds of writers. Among them, more than thirty have been agented, produced, or traditionally or independently published. An Amherst Writers & Artists writing workshop leader, a College Reading and Learning Association Master Level Writing Consultant, Jamie is also a repeat presenter for the Florida Writers Association Annual Conference and a graduate of the Rollins College Writing Program.