Over the Noise, Under the Neon: Writing Your Best Poetry with Heather Lang & Letisia Cruz (Online Workshop)

Class Description

Language is the fundamental material of poetry. This course is built on the notion that meticulous attention to language is what distinguishes poetry from other writing and can lend itself to poetic prose, as well. A greater understanding of what we write can be achieved through the consideration of creative strategies.

In this online course, we will cover key techniques and devices that are vital to the art of poetry. We will work through prompts and study poems by a handful of contemporary poets. The poems we read will model the techniques that we cover in class. All reading materials will be provided. We will also workshop your own poem drafts and deliver personalized feedback on all work submitted.

Lesson Plan:

Week 1: Images & Abstractions

An image is not a picture; abstract does not mean profound. This first week, we will focus on crafting images and abstractions that add value to a poem. We will replace overused and tired symbols with fresh and meaningful images that bring the poem to life.

Week 2: Sounds & Rhythm

This week we will focus on the intricacies of sound and rhythms and how we can leverage configurations for persuasive poetic effect. We will discuss how both sameness and estranging of rhythm and sound can make for dramatic and equally compelling results.

Week 3: Revision Techniques

Revision is an essential part of writing. This week we will discuss a variety of revision strategies, including incorporating workshop feedback, reorganizing and rewriting our poems.

Week 4: Poetry Submissions

Now that you have a stunning final draft, what do you do with it? This week we will discuss the submission process, how to craft a professional cover letter, and basic submission etiquette.

When: April 3, 2017 – April 30, 2017 (4 weeks)

Where: Writer’s Atelier Online

Investment: $225

*20% early bird discount before march 15, 2017 (Total: $180)

Eventbrite - Over the Noise, Under the Neon: Writing Your Best Poetry with Heather Lang and Letisia Cruz

Questions? Email: racquel@racquelhenry.com

About the Instructors:

leti-cruzLetisia Cruz is a Cuban-American writer and artist. Her writing and artwork have recently appeared in Ninth Letter, The Acentos Review, Gulf Stream, Moko Caribbean Arts and Letters, Ink Brick and the Writing Disorder, and her chapbook Chonga Nation was selected as a finalist in the 2016 Gazing Grain Press Poetry Chapbook Contest. She is a graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University’s MFA program and currently lives in Miami, Florida. She serves as Resident Artist at Petite Hound Press and Online Poetry Re-Features Editor at The Literary Review. Find more of her work at www.lesinfin.com.

heather-langHeather Lang is a poet, literary critic, and adjunct professor. In 2016, Nevada’s NPR member radio station twice interviewed her about her writing. She also judged The Neon Museum + Helen’s visual prompt contest and served as a Las Vegas Poets Organization featured poet. Her writing process was recently on exhibit at the Nevada Humanities Program Gallery, and she’s a member of Nevada State College’s Arts & Culture Council. Heather’s poetry and prose have been published by or are forthcoming with Diode, The Normal School, Paper Darts, Pleiades, and Whiskey Island, among others. Heather holds an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and she serves as an editor with The Literary Review and Petite Hound Press. www.heatherlang.cassera.net

Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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