Your Prompts for the Third Week of NaNoWriMo 2021

Every week in November, we will release a set of writing prompts to keep you inspired all the way through National Novel Writing Month along with questions and suggestions for how to use them in your manuscript.

For more, download our FREE Digital Novel Planner to help you stay focused and track your word count this NaNoWriMo.

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November 15: Open

  • Not everyone is an open book, but everyone is open about something. What will your character freely discuss?
  • How does a store, museum, library, or some other place being open or closed affect your character’s plans?
  • Don’t look now, but there’s a box in your next scene. Have your character open it. What’s inside?

November 16: Poetry

  • What—beyond well-arranged words—sounds like poetry to your character?
  • Does your character have a favorite poem, or did someone close have a favorite that they still know well?
  • Stretch the prompt and recall your favorite poem, or a poem you were taught in school. What from it—phrasing or theme—can you weave into your project?

November 17: Question

  • Something about a lie your character’s been told seems off. What makes them question it?
  • What kinds of questions does your character ask in their head, but never say?
  • There’s a question written on the wall, or on a piece of paper slipped into your character’s hand. What is it?

November 18: Road

  • If they haven’t already, have your character take a walk, ride, or drive. How is the terrain? What new perspective will this walk/ride/drive give them?
  • How does something found on the side of the road affect the plot?
  • Does your character stay the course expected, or stray from the beaten path? By choice or by force? How does their choice of road affect the story, and will they have to choose another way forward due to circumstances?

November 19: Shadow

  • Who or what is working in the shadows against your character’s best interests or goals?
  • A misshapen shadow causes a misunderstanding in your next scene. How will your character untangle this mystery?
  • What does your character know beyond a shadow of a doubt? Why are they wrong?

November 20: Treasure

  • Is your character tempted by earthly treasures?
  • What is the treasure your character seeks to bring back after their success?
  • What object does your character treasure above all others? What happens if they lose it in this scene?

November 21: Ultimate

  • What is your character the best in, or aspiring to be the best in?
  • What would be the ultimate test of your character’s weakest trait? Throw that at them.
  • Who or what has to pay the ultimate price before your story ends? Is their ultimate price death, or something worse?

Bonus Prompt: Hunger

  • What does your character hunger for beyond sustenance?
  • Maybe your character is hungry in the next scene, but not starving. What do they eat?
  • A creature has approached your character, and its hungry. What does your character do next?
  • Your character encounters someone with a hunger. Do they help them? Can they help them?
  • There’s want, there’s need, and then there’s crave. What does your character crave right now, even though they shouldn’t?
Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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