Motivational Minute with Racquel Henry #153: Are You Nurturing Your Writing Dream?

We all dream of writing, but are you nurturing your dream? Writer’s Atelier’s founder and fearless leader Racquel Henry asks the question during this week’s Motivational Minute!

But first: do you follow us on Instagram? If so, you may have seen us post about nurturing your writing dream. Some of you may be wondering what’s meant by the phrase. To be honest, its definition will depend on many factors, like where you are on your writing journey. (Working on your writing looks very different depending on what phase your project is in, of course.)

Maybe ”nurturing your writing dream” for you means sitting down and typing. It could also mean tackling revisions that make your head hurt to think about. It can also mean marketing—getting on social media and posting TikToks and interacting with your audience. it could even mean saying no (or yes!) to something that might propel you forward.

But only you know what it means for you right now. So, have you been nurturing your writing dream?

If you’re struggling with the answer, it might help to think of your writing dream as a seed of desire you’ve buried. You can’t bury a seed and expect a sprout the next day. You must nurture the plant-to-be by watering it (attending classes, workshops, and courses?) and changing out its soil (finishing a project before moving onto the next?) and doing everything you can to encourage growth.

That’s what Writer’s Atelier is here for, after all.

Happy writing!

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If you want inspiration offline, have you heard that Racquel has written a mini book of affirmations for writers? It’s available in our shop!

We’d love to have you involved in our writing community! Thanks for everything!

Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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