Get Ahead in Your NaNoWriMo Word Count with Our Word Crawl Walkthrough

Remember back in late October, when we announced that we’d created four word crawls to help you win NaNoWriMo?

Well, we took a poll on our Instagram Story to see which of our word crawls you wanted to see us demonstrate, and you all voted for a walkthrough of our “A Visit to the Antique Shop” word crawl. The video is now done, and we’re proud to show it off to you!

How to Use This Video

We’ve thought of two ways you can use this video. Of course, if you think of another way, please share it with us on social media! We’d love to hear from you, and we’d love to hear how many words our word crawls added to your word count!

If you’ve never tried a word crawl before, or for a more guided experience…

We recommend playing the word crawl video and following along with my choices in the word crawl. The video will prompt you with how many words/minutes to write and when to pause, so there is no need to babysit the video—just pause when it’s time to write and work on your draft in another tab or window.

If you’re a word crawl pro, or for a more personalized experience…

You’ll want to open the “A Visit to the Antique Shop” word crawl for yourself while the video plays. When I’m selecting my choices, you can look at the various options available to you and decide for yourself which you want to choose—or do everything if you want! It’s your writing session!

After you’re done with this word crawl, don’t forget that you have two other narrative-driven word crawls waiting for you! You can also build your own writing challenge using our playing card word crawl—since there’s a random playing card generator right on the page, not only will you not need your own deck, but your experience will be different every time!

Happy writing!

PS. Do you like the look of our word crawl site? It was made using Google Sites, Google’s best-kept secret! If you don’t have your own online space you control away from the social media giants, we have a great course on how to make your author website using Google Sites!

Megan Fuentes is an author and the former admin for Writer’s Atelier. Her favorite things in the world include iced coffee, 4thewords, Canva, and telling you about those things. And writing, too. And lists! When she's not obsessing over story structure or helping her family think their way out of an escape room, she hangs out with her partner, Logan—a fellow multi-hyphenate—and dotes on their dumpster kitty, Rochelle. You can find her books at and She also sells productivity printables via her Etsy shop. If you liked her blog post, consider buying her a coffee.
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