Hip-hip-hooray for Paige Lavoie!
We are so, so thrilled to be part of our Motivational Minute maven’s cover reveal for her upcoming release, A Girl Called Monster from Parliament Press!
About the Book
Monnie was born into darkness, and in darkness is where she is destined to stay. She knows what she is—an experiment, and nothing more; a secret to be kept safe in the cellar where she was created. Her only home is made of stone walls, and her only friends are Victor, the charismatic young scientist who gave her life, and his kind assistant, Igor.
But when Monnie discovers there is an entire world outside, one full of color and beauty she’s never known, she realizes her home isn’t a home at all—it’s a prison.
So, she does what any prisoner dreams of.
She escapes.
In this heartbreaking reimagining of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a girl who was once seen as nothing but a monster must learn what it truly means to be human, and how far she is willing to go to take control of her own life.
About the Author

Paige Lavoie is a YA author from Orlando, Florida. She writes coming-of-age stories about geek girls, outsiders, and monsters. Her first novel, CONfidence: The Diary of an Invisible Girl, was published in 2015. Her next release, A Girl Called Monster, will be out with Parliament House Press in the spring of 2023. She can often be spotted strolling arm an arm with her husband, hunting for antiques to furnish their 1950s home.
You can find out more about Paige and her books on her website, and you can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for!

Congratulations on your release, Paige! We are so proud of you!