4 Reasons Why You’re Abandoning Your Projects
Be honest: have you ever abandoned a project before you gave it a fair chance? I know I have as a former project abandoner. The reasons for this vary from writer to writer, as one would expect, but it’s knowing what your reasons are for abandoning projects that can help you put a stop to the tireless chasing…
The Write Gym Spotlight: Take a Look Inside a Monthly Inspiration Guide
November is the last full month of autumn, and it’s famously a month many of us writers associate with hunkering down to draft n # ovels and other long-form projects. If you’re feeling a little low on inspiration this month, we have just the thing for you: a sample of one of The Write Gym’s Monthly Inspiration…
5 Tips for Choosing a Book Title
They say you should never judge a book by its cover, but the ominous they don’t say anything about not judging titles! When images aren’t available, your title isn’t just a first impression—it’s the only impression you get to give. That’s a lot of weight for a handful of words to shoulder, and if they’re…