Banned Books Giveaway!


Banned Books 2014

In honor of Banned Books Week (Sept. 21-27, 2014) we’re giving away the following banned books:

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The Giver by Lois Lowry

A Time To Kill by John Grisham

Comment below for a chance to win (tell us which one you want). You must be following us on one of our social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). Deadline is Saturday, September 27, 2014 at midnight. Winners will be announced next week. 

Find more information about banned books here. Happy Banned Books Week!

Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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4 thoughts on “Banned Books Giveaway!

  1. I like how Writer’s Atelier is doing this. Besides the fact that all three books are on the Banned Books List, is there a particular reason why these three novels are chosen for giveaways? BTW, I like “The Giver.”

  2. I have read and absolutely loved The Kite Runner. Its a beautiful book. I would love to win The giver because it has been on my wishlist for a long time and I’ve been avoiding the movie because I’ve not read the book, so it would be great if I get to read it.

    P.S: I follow writersatelier on twitter: @hootowl14

  3. A Time To Kill, simply because by being banned, it makes me want to read it that much more!

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