We at Writer’s Atelier are so jazzed to announce that we have our very first offering available now at Barnes & Noble! But it might not be what you expect.
Longtime WA watchers will remember our past collaborations with Pretty Peacock Paperie. One of the cards from the Literary Card Collection is now being distributed to B&N stores across the country! The card also has its own listing on the B&N website, though it was out of stock online at time of publication. It looks like your best bet for purchasing one is still through us, your friendly neighborhood small business.

One day, you’ll see more from WA at the famed B&N. For now, if you happen to see the card in the wild, share it on social media and tag us @writersatelier!
You can also check out more from our collaboration with PPP, the Literary Card Collection by clicking here. To further support WA, please consider purchasing books through our Bookshop affiliate link.
Happy writing, reading, and bookshop browsing!