Amazing Accomplishments from 2024 Write Brave Challenge Participants

We’ve officially wrapped up the 2024 Write Brave Challenge, and though we’re sad to say goodbye, we are absolutely smiling because it happened.

What exactly happened, you ask? Over a hundred Write Brave Challenge participants took a step closer to achieving their writing goals—and some of them took leaps and bounds! We’re thrilled to be sharing what just some of our participants were able to accomplish this year in this blog post!

First, What is The Write Brave Challenge?

The Write Brave Challenge is a free 30-day writing challenge that took place from September 15 through October 15 this year. During the challenge, writers set a daily goal in order to achieve a specific intention at the end of those 30 days. 2024 was its inaugural year.

What Write Brave Challenge Participants Accomplished in 2024

Shanna wrote over five and a half times more than she originally set out to write!

“I accomplished so much more than I planned. I went into this challenge thinking I was going to struggle to even get 250 words each day (so around 7500 total) but ended up with 42,513 total words so far and still have time left in the challenge. I found a writing schedule that works for me, a passion for what I’m writing, and a story I can hopefully publish this next year! It’s my first book ever and it’s been something I have dreamed about for year. … While I still have a ways to go in my project, this was a huge chunk of it and can’t wait to see how it goes after the challenge since I’m definitely on a good flowing schedule now.

“I thought [the challenge] was amazing. I loved the weekly dares, they helped me kick it up a notch. I definitely will be doing future ones and probably plan my goals a bit higher, I wasn’t sure what to expect going in and not having written a book before, but it’s awesome. I also loved the [word crawls] with the library and lighthouse. Those were fun to do.”

T.K. completed a novella despite back-to-back hurricanes!

“My goal was to add 5,000 more words to a novella near completion, then begin working on another project I’ve abandoned. The novella did not want to stop giving me story once I reached my original goal, and my word count in the end was 11,169, making my story end with 31,169 words. I was not able to begin the second project due to a week without power because of hurricane damage, but I exceeded my word count and completed one project.

“The challenge was fun and gave me the push I needed to finish my story. The environment provided a safe, positive space with other writers from all around the world, and I felt honored to write alongside them. I will be participating next year.”

Christina overcame health struggles to pen over two dozen poems!

“I’ve written either a poem or wrote in my journal for 28 days. I would have had more if I wasn’t struggling with my health. While I didn’t finish my project, I made strides forward on it or improved on my writing skills.

“I’m thankful for this challenge that has motivated me to make writing my priority. It can be tough to do so as an indie author with a day job. Even though writing matters to me, I only have so much energy, especially with my health struggles. It can be tough to make writing progress.

“I’ve learned that I can make progress on my writing more often than I realize as long as I give myself options if I’m struggling, like journaling when I can’t write poetry or taking a day off but trying again the next day. I have figured out when I can write and when works for me mentally as well during this challenge.

“Instead of reaching a difficult goal per day (like the word count for 50,000 words in 30 days), I found a better goal that helped make me consistent. That’s why I’ve been able to make better progress on my writing lately with the Write Brave Challenge. As a Greek Latina, having the challenge during Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month has inspired me so much to see fellow Latinx writers achievements.

“I couldn’t participate in the online events with my health and schedule, but I found being able to share my progress online (especially with graphics) and tagging Writer’s Atelier Instagram helpful to keep me motivated and share my progress to my followers.”

Rita made significant progress on a new book!

“I finished my outline, developed my characters and their backstories, figured out a plot twist, and solved a plot conundrum!

“This challenged helped me stay motivated and learn to work on projects in new ways and at different times of day. It also helped me not prioritize writing time over the millions of other things that usually distract me!”

Nailah hit her goal of 40,000 words of a new novella nine days early!

Fun fact: Nailah used the downhill method shared with us by Alyson Grauer to accomplish her intention.

Jessica successfully built consistency in her writing life by achieving her daily goal of writing 30 minutes a day!

Side note: Jessica is a member of The Write Gym, our group coaching and accountability program for writers. If you’re interested in year-round writing support, The Write Gym is exactly what you’ve been looking for. Get the details!

Caty finished an outline for a new novel before the midpoint of the challenge!

One anonymous participant fulfilled their original intention!

“I have finished my smaller project, reorganized my larger one, straightened out the system for keeping my references in good order, and am proud of my achievements this month.

“You all took the lonely out of writing time. Thank you and I wish everyone success.”

Will there be a Write Brave Challenge Next Year?

Yes, the plan is to have this writing challenge come back every year, and we can’t wait to reveal what more we have planned for 2025! If you’re interested in participating, join the participant group within our free online community to stay up to date and be the first to hear about what’s coming!

Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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