Wise Words for Your Writing Space from The Write Place Contributors So Far

This year has been full of special occasions for Writer’s Atelier! We had our tenth anniversary back in May, and we also published our fiftieth The Write Place post!

Now that we’ve hit this milestone, I thought it would be fun to look back at all of the contributions so far and hand-select a few words of wisdom from some of the featured authors.

Writers Are All Different

“An organized desk helps keep my head clear and focused, especially when the rest of life can be so chaotic.” – Jenna Hartley, The Write Place #39

“I was going to clean it up for this post, but honestly, that wouldn’t be real life. I’m one of those creative types who knows where everything is, but probably nobody else will. My work itself is super organized, but my workspace? DEFINITELY NOT.” – Kelly Coon, The Write Place #30

Whether You Have a Dedicated Space or Not, You Are a Real Writer

“Virginia Wolff wrote that a woman needs her own room to write. In my case, it has certainly helped. But for many, having a dedicated space is the goal—not the given. For many, first you must give yourself permission. That takes guts. Anzaldúa said it loud and clear—we must remember that we don’t need degrees and credentials to write.” – Stephanie Jimenez, The Write Place #28

But Having a Space That Cues You to Write Certainly Helps

“Whenever someone asks me where I write, I often answer, “anywhere!” That’s the beauty of being a writer, isn’t it? As long as I have my laptop, a pen and notebook, or even my trusty little Alphasmart, I can usually block everything out of my mind and zero in on my writing zone. … However, there is something to be said about having a dedicated writing space, which, these days, is a desk in my “writing corner.” There you’ll find my favorite rocks and gemstones that help to center me as I delve into my stories, and my diffuser is usually providing a gentle mist of mind-clearing rosemary, lemon, and peppermint.” – Farrah Rochon, The Write Place #21

No Matter What, Keep Inspiration Close

“My office is pretty bare to minimize distractions, but I do have my book covers framed on my wall. Whenever I’m having a tough day, I love looking at them as a reminder that I am living my dream job. It’s been a really fun way for me to celebrate the publication milestones.” – Chanel Cleeton, The Write Place #22

Want More?

You can read the full articles and forty-five other The Write Place posts here.

And if you’re looking for more practical tips for your writing workspace, I included four tips in my own The Write Place post.

Show us your writing spaces on socials and be sure to tag @writersatelier when you do!

Megan Fuentes is an author, a freelancer, and a content creator for Writer’s Atelier. Her favorite things in the world include iced coffee, 4thewords, Canva, and telling you about those things. And writing, too. And lists! When she's not obsessing over story structure or helping her family think their way out of an escape room, she hangs out with her partner, Logan—a fellow multi-hyphenate—and dotes on their dumpster kitty, Rochelle. You can find her books at Amazon.com and Bookshop.org. She also sells productivity printables via her Etsy shop. If you liked her blog post, consider buying her a coffee.
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