The Write Place #1: Laura Perez

Laura Perez 8Let me begin by saying that for me, nothing beats a notebook and a smooth writing pen. I hesitate to use this word, but here it is: I’m a bit of a pen “whore.” They are like pretty play things. If I find one I like, I make sure I have plenty of them. This way, I have something that I can use regardless of where I am. That being said, I do have a bit of a routine. That routine begins and ends with my unique little writing space.

As far as writing spaces go, I’ve tried a desk, a rolling writing cart, a lap desk–you name it, I’ve tried it. While adequate, they all allowed me to be a bit to haphazard in my writing.  There was no continuity or flow, just a scattered and cluttered experience. Then I found it. She was waiting for me at Goodwill, a wooden armoire with working lock and key. When I opened her up I found a static shelf and three sliding shelves that could easily contain my writing accoutrements, as well as my beading and crafting items (as a writer, of course I do other things). Needless to say, it was a bit of a dilemma. I was comfortable (please read as didn’t want to change) with my desk, so I let her sit in the living room for a day after I brought her home. Then, I did it. I made a space for her, brought her in and decorated her in a way that would inspire me.

Laura Perez 1 Laura Perez 2

What is my routine now?  My laptop lives within her. During the day, it travels with me, but at night, it is in my cubby and I write. In the middle of the night if inspiration strikes, I open the doors and am secure in my nook quietly typing or handwriting away. In the morning, a fresh cup of coffee sits next to my laptop as I spew my words, thoughts, and ideas. The nook itself inspires me because though it may be small, it feels like I am in a room of my own. In it, I keep little things that inspire me. Notebooks, notes, pics of my honey and my kids, inspirational quotes to myself, a dagger, a painting of Jessica Rabbit (love the ‘tude) and of course a print of a modern day more savage Wonder Woman who rivals my feelings. Creating this nook was one of the most inspiring things I’ve done to date for myself as a writer and I sincerely believe that having one, whether you are a plotter or a pantster, is essential. It’s my safe zone and my happy place. Where do you write?

Laura Perez 5Laura Perez 3


Laura Perez 7L.E.Perez (Laura) is the author of two books, Beauty of Fear (Book 1 Fear Series) and Dear Lorna, both are available through Amazon or her site. She is currently finishing up the second novel in her Fear series, Silence of Fear and has taken on writing a YA novel involving time travel which is due out by the end of the year, tentatively titled Relativity-Book 1, Tempus Series. After participating in her first writing conference in 2015, she took it upon herself to spearhead the writing of a thriller anthology with other indie authors titled: Thrill of the Hunt, scheduled for a 2015 holiday release.  Laura grew up watching her mother right into the wee hours of the night and caught the writing bug early in life. It took an unexpected job change to prompt the writing bug again and here she is. Follow her on twitter @honorcpt or find her at:


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Racquel Henry is a Trinidadian writer, editor, and writing coach with an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a part-time English Professor and owns Writer’s Atelier. Racquel is also the co-founder and Editor at Black Fox Literary Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief at Voyage YA. She is the author of Holiday on Park, Letter to Santa, and The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies. When she’s not working, you can find her watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
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One thought on “The Write Place #1: Laura Perez

  1. Hi Laura,

    Laura, I really appreciate ur sense of humor for the writing, the way u describe the notebook is so unbelievable.


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